Environmental Policy

We work within clearly defined environmental objectives

The objective of Redhouse is to establish itself as London based provider of bespoke furniture and architectural metalwork, through normal operations involved in the day to day running of the business. The company will provide environmental protection through all of its operations based on the actions and clearly defined policies, which demonstrate total commitment to the continuous improvement of environmental quality.

Policy Statement

The Company will work towards achieving its environmental objective by: ­-   

  • The interaction between all employees from all departments on environmental issues that affect them during their normal work, with the full support, control and encouragement from management.   

  • Involving all employees, by providing information and training, where necessary, to help them to understand their role in achieving environmental targets.   

  • Management of plant and departments are expected to maintain their knowledge of environmental protection laws and regulations that apply to their areas of responsibility.   

  • Working closely with suppliers to ensure that the products and services they supply are environmentally acceptable.   

  • Where our operations are likely to affect local communities, the company will consult with local authorities where appropriate, keeping them informed of the company’s activities and environmental interests.     

Redhouse Forge Environmental Policy 

Planned prevention or reduction of pollution is cheaper than incurring damage after the event. It is therefore in the interest of any company to minimise waste and pollution so as to reduce costs in the long term. 

A first step in demonstrating environmental responsibility should be to draft an environmental policy statement or code of ethics against which the company is willing to be judged. This has to be a worthwhile and practical document. 

Consideration should be given to devising codes of good practice for all employees, which should include consideration of the environmental impact of each job. Each employee should have access to the documentation relating to the overall company policy, which will be made available upon request to management. Where it is considered that an employees duties many affect the environment a list of his or her individual responsibilities within that plan, will be issued prior to the job being started and should include suggesting ways of improving environmental protection and pollution control. 

The company’s environmental policy will start from the premises that the company occupies. How the company’s actions will affect the local community and has an impact on the environment in the immediate vicinity of the site. Further consideration will be given to the wider effects of bringing in supplies, distributing its product, disposal of general rubbish and other wastes that may occur from time to time. 

Therefore the company’s policy will give due consideration to: 

  • Minimise any disturbances to the local and global environment and to the quality of life of the local communities in which the company operates. 

  • Comply fully with all relevant statutory regulations. 

  • Take positive steps to conserve resources, particularly those which are scarce or non renewable. 

  • Assess, in advance where possible, the environmental effects of any significant new development and adjust the company’s plans accordingly. 

  • Provide the information necessary to enable the company’s products to be properly used, stored and disposed of so as to avoid unacceptable effects on man or the environment 

  • Provide where necessary information to enable employees to operate properly and with a minimal affect on man or the environment 

The overall objective must be to develop the business having full regard to the environment and taking into account the views of all affected interests. 


Each departmental manager where necessary, will ensure that a document is prepared covering the environmental aspects of their operations. These documents should identify the hazards within the workplace which may present risk to the environment. Systems for eliminating or reducing these risks and for complying with the environmental standards shall be identified along with methods for monitoring the effectiveness of the procedures. 

Each document MUST include where appropriate the following items: 

  1. The provision of information, instruction and training 

  2. Environmental performance standards 

  3. Environmental incident investigation and reporting 

  4. Auditing procedures 

  5. Environmental improvement programme 

In addition where appropriate, each document SHOULD include an environmental impact assessment. 


The Provision of information, instruction and training 

The methods by which suitable information, instruction and training are provided should be detailed, e.g. by a written statement, inclusion in a system of work or as part of a team brief. Provisions for concise record keeping should be made where necessary. 

Environmental performance 

Environmental matters must be properly considered in all new developments and procedures, paying particular attention to the requirements of the Environmental Protection Act 1990.Consultation has been made with the supplier, with regard to the methods that have been established for monitoring and recording compliance with legal obligations. 

Methods used for elimination of waste at source, recycling or reuse of materials should be included, paying particular attention to the possibilities for materials that may use in substitution. A complete list of all substances or materials used by the company, which have environmental implications, should be documented and include handling, storage and disposal procedures.

Environmental incident 

Investigation and reporting all abnormal occurrences with environmental implications should be recorded and investigated along with any complaints from the public. 


Auditing procedures 

The arrangements, format and frequency of these audits should be documented along with the arrangements for dealing with the annual audit carried out by the management or person/s appointed who suitably qualified to carry out such audits. 


Environmental improvement programme

At present the company uses no substances or materials that could have significant environmental implications. For this reasons the company has no improvement procedures in place. However should this change in the future then this policy will be amended accordingly. 


Environmental impact assessments 

Before the introduction of new plant or processes, a systematic study will be undertaken to ensure that adequate consideration is given to possible environmental hazards and to keep them to a minimum. At the time when any such changes may occur, then this policy will also be amended appropriately. 

General Environmental Policy

Redhouse will plan, conduct and monitor its operations using the Best Practicable Means to protect the environment from harm. 

The concepts of Best Practicable Environmental Option (BPEO) and duty of care will be implemented to establish high standards of operation in all the Company’s activities, for which adherence will be mandatory. These will comply with or exceed regulatory controls or codes of practice where applicable. 

Redhouse will continue to develop and improve its operational standards as a result both of its own efforts and using appropriate available worldwide technological developments, as is deemed necessary. 

Operational Policy

  1. Assess in advance the environmental impact of any significant new development the company proposes. 

  2. Operate and maintain vehicles in a responsible manner providing the maximum practicable environmental protection. 

  3. Where necessary the company will collect appropriate monitoring data at a suitable frequency to assess the environmental impact of our existing operations. Such monitoring will be continued after cessation of the operation until the company and the regulatory authorities are satisfied it is no longer necessary. 

  4. Respect and encourage wildlife by not disturbing their natural habitats, where practicably possible. 


Communication Policy 

Make all employees aware of our environmental policy, whilst providing suitable training to improve environmental awareness, and allocate clear responsibilities. 

Take the interests of the local community into account, with due regard for public perception and have a regular process of communication with the community where appropriate. 

Make available to employees, customers, and the public and statutory authorities relevant information about Redhouse activities that affect health, safety and the environment. 


Implementation Policy

  1. Operate and update on a regular basis systems and procedures for both operations and their monitoring to ensure adherence to the policy. 

  2. Produce an annual programme of specific environmental objectives for each operational location and monitor progress against it 

  3. Devise the programme in such a way as to make use of available resources to achieve an optimum environmental result. 

  4. Audit our adherence to the policy. 


This will be undertaken by management on an annual basis or more frequently if: 

  1. There is a change to operational procedure that may affect the current environmental policy. 

  2. Substances or materials that have significant environmental implications in their use are to be introduced into new work processes or where changes to existing procedures are to take place. 



A major first step should be to turn the company’s environmental policy into practice. Hence a strategy must be devised and followed to achieve the policy objectives. The company strategy should: 

  • Take into account all activities, including those parts which are already considered to be efficient. 

  • Fix a baseline to enable improvements to be evaluated, determining first what regulations and standards are relevant and secondly what technological and product developments have occurred recently. 

  • Record raw material and energy usage, wastes and emissions, etc. 

  • Seek opportunities to turn waste into profitable by products or to recycle and explore the possibility of more effective and economic methods for waste disposal. 

  • Encourage employees to provide suggestions for improvement, rewarding them as appropriate. 

  • Make sure contractors perform to the company’s satisfaction. 

  • Explore whether energy and raw material usage and the production of waste could be further reduced. 

  • Set up the means to enable the company to maintain good links with the local community and the press and media where necessary. 

  • Monitor performance and make sure there is regular review. 

  • The starting point may well be an environmental review 


Using Consultants 

The company will decide whether or not to use consultants and, if so, what kind of consultants to use, the company will need to: 

  • Whether or not the much of the work can be carried out in house. 

  • Form a view of what skills are required to carry out the tasks in question and in what quantity. 

  • Assess whether or not sufficient skills already exist in the company. 

  • Decide whether the company can afford to unlock in-house experts from other jobs. 

  • Consider whether the company needs an independent evaluation of the management and/or control systems used. And of the results obtained - perhaps to help establish public credibility 

In most cases much of the work can be carried out in-house. However if a consultant was required for specific job, there are an increasing number of commercial directories, e.g. The Directory of Environmental Consultants, published by Environmental Data Services (ENDS) provides a comprehensive list of consultancies. The main function of the Directory is to provide a starting point for any organisation considering using the services of an environmental consultancy. Further details may be obtained from ENDS. 

In all areas, the local authority and other relevant environmental control authorities will be able to offer advice. So will the company’s trade associations such as the CBI

If and when the company uses consultants it is advisable for the legal advisor to work up the contract so that: 

  • The consultants do precisely what the company wants them to do. 

  • The price is right. 

  • The timing is right. 

  • Any additional or more detailed work is with the company’s full agreement and on satisfactory conditions. 

  • The company retains ownership of any information that is gathered or gained and its permission is needed before such information can be released or used for other purposes. 

In short, the company should enter into the contract with exactly the same thoroughness as it would enter into any commercial transaction. 

Training Needs 

Environmental control is an integral part of business activities so training needs to start at the very top of the organisation and filter through all levels of management to all employees. 

The Managing Director needs to know that good environmental performance makes business sense. The company’s investors, lenders, insurers, customers, workers and neighbours should be constant reminders of this fact and training should be geared towards commitment and positive action. Senior management will need introductory and refresher courses on how environmental factors might infringe on their areas of responsibility: The company secretary must know the legal requirements and be satisfied they are being met. The finance director must know that theinvestments to be madesatisfy the environmental demands of the banks and investors and have shortpayback periods. 

Awareness training is required as well as practical advice e.g. training which is provided through business seminars, distance learning courses, handbooks and a range of lecture courses organised by universities, business organisations and other training agencies etc. 

Employees need training too. It is they who use the vehicles and equipment and can most quickly spot faults, report and make possible recommendations for improvements. It is all employees who collectively make the working environment clean - or dirty. 

The company will, where necessary will include environmental awareness and care as part of its induction programme . The company will provide employees with courses to familiarise them with current environmental thinking and remedies. Most importantly, however, the employee should receive on the job environmental training, about environmental impacts and the beneficial effects of environmental care to the company.